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What is a Charter School?

Charter schools are public schools—funded by state, federal and local taxpayer dollars and subject to many of the same accountability and regulatory requirements as district or traditional public schools. What makes charter schools unique is that they operate under the supervision of a board of directors chosen by the school community, rather than a publicly elected school board. In addition, charter schools have the freedom to employ innovative instructional methods and curricula, although the state still requires all charter school students to participate in the state testing program. Charter schools also have greater flexibility in hiring and compensation of personnel, and are exempt from class size and school hour regulations. Unlike district schools, when a charter school is not properly serving its families, it closes.

Who is able to attend?

Cadets are admitted in full accordance with North Carolina law. Paul R Brown leadership Academy will not discriminate against any cadet on the basis of gender, race, creed, color, religion, national origin, age, achievement, aptitude or athletic ability in its admissions or education programs. Tuition or admissions fees shall not be charged to any cadet.  

If a perspective cadet applies to Paul R. Brown leadership Academy and he or she is under suspension or from his/her current school the Headmaster, Academic Dean, and Commandant will review his application. They will meet with the perspective cadet and his parents. Through an interview they will determine if the incident was something that he or she has learned from and if they are subject to repeat behavior. They will then vote on the enrollment of the perspective cadet.

This admission shall not be determined according to the school attendance area as charter schools have the flexibility to take students from anywhere in the state. Applications for a specific school year will be available during the open enrollment period from the beginning of January through the beginning of April. In mid-April, students and parents will be notified of their acceptance into the school for the following fall. Should PBLA have more student applications than available spaces in any grade level, then a public lottery will be held. If a lottery needs to be held, it will be held no later than the second week in April.

What is the primary goal of PRBLA? 

The mission of Paul R. Brown Leadership Academy is to serve its students through a commitment to excellence in an education that serves today, tomorrow, and the future by providing an academically rich program that encompasses all skill sets for life: reading, communication, critical and creative thinking, problem solving, work ethic, integrity, physical wellness, and leadership. 

Where is Paul R. Brown Leadership Academy located? 

Paul R. Brown Leadership Academy is located at 1360 Martin Luther King Jr. drive in Elizabethtown, NC. 

How does PBLA accomplish its goals? 

Paul R. Brown Leadership Academy reviews a cadet’s academic background upon his admission to the Academy. We will then use standardized testing and benchmarks throughout the year to measure a cadet’s performance and ensure an appropriate academic program is implemented. Paul R. Brown Leadership Academy uses the EOG, the EOC and the ACT as its measuring stick to chart academic progress. In addition the Academy administers new cadets the Northwest Evaluation Association Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) test. Once the assessment is completed an academic plan is created to try and shore up any weakness the cadet may have. The MAP is administered again to see if the cadet has improved in the areas of weakness The MAP will be administered again at the end of the first semester and at the end of the third quarter. The results of the MAP test will be used to steer instruction for the cadet for the remainder of the year. If the cadet is proficient we will not re-teach a subject if he is weak we will shore him up. It is the plans of the Academy to have each cadet make steady improvement each year and to surpass the state average using the EOG as the measuring tool. 

Where is Paul R. Brown Leadership Academy located? 

Paul R. Brown Leadership Academy is located at 1360 Martin Luther King Jr. drive in Elizabethtown, NC. 

Is there a tuition charge or other fees? 

We are a North Carolina public school and therefore we do not charge tuition for enrollment. Families may be charged for an initial issue of hats and shoes, athletic or extra-curricular incidental fees for their child, following the same type fees charged by traditional public schools. 

Will lunch be provided? 

PBLA offers a free breakfast and lunch program. Cadets also have the option of bringing their lunch. 

How do I enroll my child? 

Applications for a specific school year are available on our website and during the open enrollment period from the beginning of January through the end of March. In early April, students and parents will be notified of their acceptance into the school for the following fall. Should PBLA have more student applications than available spaces in any grade level, then a public lottery will be held. If a lottery needs to be held, it will be held no later than the second week in April. 

Is this a military school? 

Yes! Paul R. Brown Leadership Academy will improve student learning through a system that is currently provided for students at the 26 private military schools in the United States. This is a system which puts emphasis on becoming a whole person by taking responsibility for one’s own actions. This program gives a cadet the foundation to be successful in future endeavors. The whole purpose of using this system is not to prepare cadets for the military but for life. The discipline learned here will stay with them forever. The four pillars that the academy is built on are Academics, Character, Discipline, and Athletics. Cadets will be rewarded with cadet rank and position within a Corps of Cadets. 

What is a Military School? 

Military schools have a unique culture that is built on tradition and proven practices. Students wear uniforms and participate in ceremonies that develop self-discipline and foster pride. Students are part of a student-lead organization that helps each student develop competencies as a follower, team member, and leader. Students learn the importance of self-discipline, time management, and to work together with others as part of a team. 

Why are Military Schools Unique? 

Military schools offer unique challenges and great opportunities for today’s youth. A quality education is the foundation of each school as they prepare young men and women to be great leaders and involved citizens by offering an exceptional learning experience with emphasis on character development, leadership training, and academic excellence. Military schools stand on core values like—honor, integrity, duty, service and self-discipline. Traditional values are the hallmarks of military schools and the graduates they produce reflect a commitment to these values. A structured setting provides an ideal environment to learn and mature. Military schools provide a unique learning environment that facilitates development and growth based on the age and experiences of the individual student. Time management, self-discipline, and motivation help each student develop clear goals for growth and development. A nurturing and supportive faculty and staff are always available to assist each individual student through difficult situations. Success can be leveraged and military schools are committed to the lifelong development and career of each graduate. 

What type of extracurricular programs do you offer? 

PBLA offers United States Navy Sea Cadets activities, Drill Team, Adventure Team, Raider Team, NASP, middle and high school boys’ basketball, cheerleading and intramural athletics. As our program progresses each year, interscholastic varsity sports will be added 

Are PBLA teachers certified? 

PBLA meets all state requirements in terms of licensure and certification for all teachers. 

What is the typical school day? 

PBLA has and eight and a half hour day. The doors to the academy open at 0730. Classes start at about 0800 and ending approximately at 1615. This includes an eight period day with times allocated for morning assemblies, parades, drill and ceremonies, character development, lunch, and classes. PBLA’s 6-8 program focuses on core academic skills with intensive remediation and individualized instruction that will lead to more selective study in high school. 

Is there a dress code? 

Yes, PBLA will has a dress code to create unity, instill discipline, school pride, and create a consistent learning environment. The uniform will consist of cadet gray, fatigues and polo’s and khakis. On special occasions the Commandant will authorize cadets to wear appropriate civilian attire. 

Will PBLA provide education for special needs children? 

Yes, cadets will be accepted in accordance with the Disabilities Act (IDEA), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and any other civil rights enforced by the U.S, Department of Education Office of Civil Rights (OCR). Paul R. Brown Leadership Academy will strive to educate students with disabilities in the least restrictive environment with their non-disabled peers.

Paul R. Brown Leadership Academy will not discriminate against any student on the basis of ethnicity, national origin, gender, or disability. PBLA understands that the school is responsible for providing a free, appropriate public education (FAPE) to children with disabilities enrolled at the school that have been determined to need an individualized educational plan (IEP). School personnel will also be informed and trained on “Child Find” to ensure that children who are suspected of having disabilities are properly evaluated and identified. The recruitment strategies that we have developed are meant to be proactive in reaching all students, including students with disabilities, limited English proficient students, and academically gifted students.

How about ESL students? 

PBLA will comply with all federal, state, and judicial mandates applicable to English Language Learners. ELL students will receive the same academic content as those students who are native English speakers to ensure that they have the best opportunity to meet the requirements needed to pass their North Carolina EOG’s/EOC’s. However, modifications will be made if an ELL student is not making sufficient progress under the full immersion program. This could involve pull-out instruction and/or the assistance of a teacher’s aide. 

Is transportation provided? 

The Paul R. Brown Leadership Academy provides transportation to any cadet living in Bladen County. Cadets who live outside of Bladen County are evaluated and a transportation plan with parent involvement is created. Currently the Academy provides courtesy service to Roberson and Cumberland County. This service is provided because of the large number of cadets from those two counties. 

What is the military service obligation? 

There is no military obligation when you enroll.


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